There’s a better
way to work with freelancers

Work with Freelancers

Finding good freelancers is hard. But managing them is even harder.

Spreadsheets, Clickup, Slack, and email are okay for project management. But they don’t tell you, in a single glance:

  • Which freelancers are working on which projects, with which team members?
  • How are budgets being managed (per freelancer and per project)?
  • Which freelancers bring your agency the most value?
Hired Freelancers
Freelancers Pool

Make your freelancer management more efficient

Fiverr Enterprise gives you one holistic place to manage your entire freelance pool and back-office operations.

So you can focus on completing more projects and improving your agency’s profitability.

3 ways Fiverr Enterprise helps you do that:


Easily manage your entire freelance talent pool

Fiverr Enterprise automates your legal and finance-related workflows while giving you a holistic view of all the freelancers your agency works with. So you can:

  • Automatically send legal and financial docs to kick off projects (compliantly!), and start working in less than 24 hours.
  • Mix and match freelancers to quickly place the right talent with the right project for better outcomes.
  • Instantly see which freelancers might be available for more work to maximize delivery times for clients.
Budget use


Get full visibility of budget use

Fiverr Enterprise lets you track your agency’s budgets per freelancer, per project, and per client. So you can validate alignment, make monthly, quarterly, and yearly forecasts – and improve profitability.

  • Classify budgets by accounts, projects, or clients.
  • Track budget use across multiple projects at the same time.
  • Pull up data for reconciliation between forecasts and actuals in seconds.


Auto pay freelancers on their schedule

Fiverr Enterprise takes the headache of freelancer payments off your plate completely by automatically paying freelancers at agreed-upon times or approved milestones.

Fiverr Enterprise pays them via the payment method and currency they choose, and consolidates all your payments into one monthly invoice. So all you have to do is pay one invoice to Fiverr Enterprise – once a month.

Freelancers Schedule